Mascot-Num 2023

Mascot-Num 2023 Conference

The 2023 annual meeting of the French CNRS research network MASCOT-NUM will be held in Le Croisic from April 3 to April 6, and will be organized by the Groupement d'Intérêt Scientifique UQ@Paris-Saclay.



The event is dedicated to the 60th birthday of Fabrice Gamboa, with a series of presentation centered around Fabrice's favorite research topics.

The first full day of the conference (April 4) will be mainly devoted, as is tradition, to presentations and posters made by doctoral students.

The next two days (April 5–6) will be dedicated to research talks given by invited speakers, and a two-part lecture (2 x 1h15) given by Pierre Chainais.

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